Monday, June 7, 2010

Lesbian Sex On "The Real L Word" Show Won't Be "Trashy"

Oh thank the baby Jeezus! The last thing I'd want to see on The L Word is trashy hot lesbian sex!

So on June 20th Showtime is airing Ilene Chaiken's new series The Real L Word. I watched a snippit of it on Showtime and apparently it's going to be a reality show about the girls who inspired the characters on The L Word. My first thought when I discovered this was "There is a girl in the world who is based on Shane?!"

::head explodes::

Then after seeing a clip online and examining the poster for the butchest looking lady, I furrowed my brow, crinkled my nose, and deduced rather unremarkably that this little girl:

Is the inspiration behind this:

Shane McCutcheon. The androgynous gender bending love of my life. It does not make any sense.

....Anyway. The New York Times says the first few episodes of the reality L Word spinoff are surprisingly chaste. Ilene Chaiken says, "I didn't want to put forward a bunch of trashy lesbians."

The Times goes on to say:

"It didn't make sense to me to cast women who were only comfortable doing the show if we could show them having explicit sex," said Robert Greenblatt, Showtime's president for entertainment. Ms. Chaiken confirmed that Mr. Greenblatt never sought assurances of prurience. "There was never a conversation about, ‘Can you promise me someones going to have sex on camera, or use this word, or get involved in this kind of activity?' " She promises that as the series progresses, the women get more comfortable having sex on-screen."

Okay, great, so um, basically what you're trying to say is that we shouldn't expect sex on camera, BUT, we'll see sex on camera.

Whatever, I'll be watching it regardless.

But if that little oaf is the Shane character, it'll blow my mind.

2 notes:

stephanie loves you said...

oh shane. i would give up men for that woman.

that mikey bitch inspires nothing in me, except maybe a craving for some lucky charms. fuck her. she's in charge of L.A. fashion week? L.A. fashion week sucks. please stop eating box on a reality tv show & spend some time making it better.

why the fuck are palm trees covering their t&a? l.a. is ridiculous. i can say that because i live here.

Lauren Grabowski said...

also, the sun beams shooting out of that one girls vajangle is a direct rip off of that kate moss terry richardson picture.

cut/paste this link-"/>

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